A Day in the Life


imageA day in the life:
6:45: ugh – already?

7:15: in the shower, to myself – rehearsing can’t-be-beat legal argument for my hearing this morning. I love being a lawyer. I’m gonna totally rock this.
7:30: hurryhurryhurry where are your shoes? Did the dogs both go outside?
7:47: donuts in the car. Powdered sugar on previously pristine back-from-dry-cleaner black dress (and also – dog hair. Why do I have dogs, again?) where is the lint roller and where are the baby wipes? I hate my job. Why can’t I have a job where I wear scrubs? Or jeans all the time?
8:30: all kids are finally where they are supposed to be. My coffee is cold. I drink it anyway. And continue to try to remove the powdered sugar…
8:46: meet client at courthouse, look at her text message trail, talk to opposing counsel, negotiate – think at least 101 times before calendar call at 9 “why do people ever become lawyers… Really, why?”
9:03: mischief managed, case settled (temporarily) no need for a hearing, relief, I can finish my coffee (and half eaten powdered donut) I’m living the dream, really.
9:19: check voicemail – I can’t give you advice about whether or not to do this that or the other. No. No. Of course. Yes, can you come in tomorrow? No I’m not here at 7am or 7pm. Yes, I do understand that exes can be jerks. What are her charges? When is the court date… What day were you served? 29 DAYS AGO?!?!? (Why do people become lawyers, seriously, ever?)
10:02: client meeting, despite the worry about her reaction to the recommendation, she is relieved she isn’t going to jail and thinks I’m the best lawyer ever. (Man, I love being a lawyer…)

And so on…
2:02: run to Rome Little Theater (on foot, in heels) to pick up child from theater camp.
2:11: get talked into a smoothie at Swift & Finch for kid (and iced coffee for me) on the walk back – glad I walked but my feet hurt
2:21: “MOOOMMMMM, how much longer are we gonna have to be here. I’m so bored.”
2:35: OH NO! Oh, ok. Phew. You didn’t actually shoot your eye out with that stapler, you just got the eyelid. Ok yes I will take you home now. You’re totally old enough to be alone at home. And clearly not a danger to yourself…
3:20: leave office – yes, child, we do, in fact *have* to go to the bank, and the police station for a report, and the courthouse to file these pleadings. Before I take you home and drive back across town to the doctor at 4. (why in the world did I sign up for this? Why??? I can’t be a lawyer and a mom today. Or any day. I’m failing. Eventually, One or the other (lawyer? Mom? One will have to win. But I can’t afford for the other to lose…)
4:00: dermatologist – first real quiet time of the day
4:37: pick up other (sunburned bc I forgot the sunscreen – for the 3rd day in a row) kid at soccer camp. My feet hurt in these heels. I took my Spanx off at the doctor and didn’t put them back on.  Vanity be damned. I never finished that donut and apparently sat on it in the car at some point. I have no idea what we will have for supper or how I will find clean underwear for everyone tomorrow and I really need to prep for that mediation tonight because I have court all morning tomorrow and I have to go straight from soccer camp to soccer tryouts tomorrow after work. Until 8pm.
4:38: Boy man-child says “mommy (yes he said mommy), you look so pretty today. how did your hearing go? Did the judge grant your motion? Did you help your client? …And thanks for driving all the way out here twice a day so I can do soccer…” (Silent choked up tears from me.)

“I’m proud of you, mom. People would be in big trouble without you. Especially me.”

Out of the mouths of babes, y’all! (well, or a man-child of almost-12 in this case…)

Today’s lesson learned for me:

Every day is worth it. Even when it’s long. Especially when it’s hard. Even when you cry from frustration. Even on the crazy cocktail roller-coaster of tween mothering and solo lawyering combined. I can do hard things. Hard work reaps a bountiful harvest. I am an example for my children. I am living my calling even if it would be easier to stay home in bed. I need to be reminded sometimes that I’m actually doing ok. Even with powdered donut on my dress and even when we eat meals from convenience stores and Chickfila entirely too often, and especially when I feel like I’m not quite making it all work and I realize I do, in fact, have it all.


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